Optional Competition Solos/Duos/Trios
Deadline to enter and submit payment is 1/10/18 HOWEVER, please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to do this event so we can make sure your costume is in and choreography completed.
Competition Team Holiday Party
Each team member is asked to bring paper goods, an appetizer, dessert or drink to share. Pizza will be provided. There is an optional Grab Bag. If you want to participate bring a $10-$15 wrapped gift that is appropriate for your age group.
NY-LA Dance Competition
SUNY Old Westbury. All groups, solos, duo/trios. No additional fees required.
Beyond the Stars Dance Competition
New Date & Location: Harborfields High School. All groups, solos, duo/trios. No additional fees required.
Inferno Dance Competition
The Space, Westbury NY. All groups, solos duos/trios. No other fees required.
Energy Dance Competition
Harborfields High School. All dancers in all groups, solos, duos/trios. No additional fees required.
Beyond the Stars Dance Competition
Optional Competition for Solos/Duos/Trios. St John the Baptist High School
Deadline to register is January 10th. Payment must accompany registration.
Solos $125, Duos $70 per dancer, Trios $50 per dancer
Competition Team Holiday Party
Come celebrate with us! Games, music and dancing!
Bring a $10 grab bag gift if you would like to participate!
Pizza will be served. Contributions requested: plates, napkins, cups, juice, water, snacks, desserts
Panera Fundraiser
Support our competition team by dining at Panera, Walt Whitman Mall. Please present your flyer to make sure we get credit for your sale.